Aulus Anser, rev. ed.

Revised Edition
Aulus the Goose
Comprehensible Classics
vol. 19
by Andrew Olimpi

Aulus is a goose who lives in ancient Rome on the Capitoline Hill. As one of Juno’s sacred geese, his job is to eat his food while the priests carefully observe his actions, looking for good or bad omens.

One day when the Gauls arrive to invade Rome, Aulus thinks that he is responsible—he didn’t eat his food and has therefore brought bad fortune to the city! Driven by guilt, he wants to help fix the problem he thinks he created. But what can a little goose do to help defend the Romans against the invaders?

Based on a famous passage in Livy (5.47) and written for novice-level readers of Latin, Aulus Anser uses a limited vocabulary to tell an entertaining and exciting tale.

Also available as an ebook at Apple Books and Kobo.

Total Words: 2150
Unique Words: 148
Base Vocabulary: 82

Click here to visit the website for the Comprehensible Classics series.

SKU LNAO019 Category Tag
Level: Latin 1
Format: Paperback
Language: Latin
Year: 2024
ISBN: 978-1963471007
Revised Edition


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