Tiberius et Gallisena Ultima, rev. ed.

Revised Edition
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Tiberius and the Last Gallisena
vol. 29
by Lance Piantaggini
Illustrated by Lauren Aczon

Tiberius is on the run. Fleeing from an attacking Germanic tribe, the soldier finds himself separated from the Roman army.

Suddenly, he finds himself receiving help from an unexpected source—a magical druid priestess (a “Gaul” in his language, a “Celt” in hers).

With her help, can Tiberius survive the punishing landscape of Gaul, evade the pursuing Germanic tribe, and make his way home to see Rufus, Piso, and Agrippina once again?

This Latin reader is over 3200 words in length, while using only 200 Latin headwords—most of which appear in Julius Caesar’s De Bello Gallico.

Also available as an ebook at Apple Books and Kobo.

Headwords: 220
Cognates: 29
Total Words: 3200
Extensive Reading Foundation Scale: Beginner High

To learn more about the author, visit Lance Piantaggini’s personal website.

SKU LNLP0072 Category Tag
Level: Latin 3+
Format: Paperback
Language: Latin
Year: 2025
ISBN: 978-1-963471-69-4
Revised Edition


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