Idus Martiae, rev. ed.

Revised Edition
The Ides of March
Comprehensible Classics
vol. 20
by Andrew Olimpi

“Beware the Ides of March!”

It’s 44 BC, and strange things are happening in Rome. A sacrificed bull is found to have no heart. Senators are meeting in houses secretly, speaking in whispers and hiding in the shadows. A soothsayer is warning people in the streets to “beware the Ides of March.” Mysterious boxes are beginning to turn up…containing daggers. Pompeia, her brother Cornelius, and her friend Roscus set out to investigate these strange happenings and soon find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue, deception…and murder!

Written for low-intermediate students of Latin, Idus Martiae is (loosely) based on Suetonius’ and Plutarch’s biographies of Julius Caesar.

Also available as an ebook at Apple Books and Kobo.

Total Words: 4360
Unique Words: 275
Base Vocabulary: 120

Click here to visit Andrew Olimpi’s website.

SKU LNAO020 Category Tag
Level: Latin 2
Format: Paperback
Language: Latin
Year: 2024
ISBN: 978-1963471182
Revised Edition


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