About Storybase Books
Storybase Books exists to help beginners learn Latin by reading.
Everyone loves stories. And language is the vehicle by which our favorite stories are brought to us.
Storybase Books was founded by a Latin teacher who saw that his students greatly increased their Latin proficiency—and enjoyed it!—when reading stories that kept their interest.
The mission of Storybase Books is thus to provide compelling stories written in level-appropriate Latin so that readers can learn to read—rather than translate—Latin. All novellas and other books use limited vocabulary to tell engaging stories that are accessible to novice and intermediate readers of Latin. Meanings for many words are provided in footnotes and a full index of all words, word forms, and phrases is included in each novella. Readers can thus use each book on their own, with others, or with a class.
Novellas are given suggested levels based upon classroom experience in communicative classrooms (CI/TPRS, the reading method, etc.). Those wishing to use them to develop translation rather than reading proficiency, however, will find that they can often be used at levels lower than those which are suggested.
Our goal is to provide you with as large of a selection of comprehensible and compelling stories as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions.