Tres Amici et Monstrum Saevum

The Three Friends and the Fierce Monster
vol. 18
by Lance Piantaggini
Illustrated by Lauren Aczon, Chloe Deeley

What became of the quest that Quintus’ mother entrusted to Sextus and Syra in Drusilla et Convivium Magarum?

Quintus finds himself alone in a dark wood (or so he thinks). Divine intervention is needed to keep Quintus safe, but can the gods overcome an ancient evil spurred on by Juno’s wrath? How can Quintus’ friends help?

Tres Amici et Monstrum Saevum contains 87 unique words (excluding names, different forms of words, and meaning established in the text), nearly a third of which are cognates. The total length of the tale is over 2400 words.

To learn more about the author, visit Lance Piantaggini’s personal website.

SKU LNLP0061 Category Tag
Level: Latin 1
Format: Paperback
Language: Latin
Year: 2020
ISBN: 978-1963471731
Publisher: Poetulus Publishing


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